The Best Flea Treatments for Cats and Dogs

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Sequim, WA Woman Facing 30 Animal Cruelty Felonies

WA State Attorney General Bob Ferguson's office announced that 30 felony charges have been filed against a woman who lives near Sequim who had a shocking number of neglected animals in her care. It's already being called one of the worst animal abuse incidents in recent state history.

Sequim is about 67 miles northwest of Seattle on the north side of the Olympic National Forest, across Puget Sound.

   The woman's home had slippery floors from animal waste

Clallam County Sheriff's Officers said the smell of ammonia and urea (from animal waste) was eye-stinging inside the home, even when wearing a mask. And, the floors of the woman's home were caked and slippery from animal feces and urine.

The AG's office says the charges have been filed against Angela Jacobsen following an ongoing investigation and a series of events leading back to December of 2021. According to the AG's office:

"The criminal charges stem from the discovery of hundreds of dogs, turkeys, pheasants, goats and more on Jacobsen's property that were living in unsanitary conditions — both inside and outdoors — without access to food or fresh water. Some animals had bite wounds, and many were emaciated, malnourished and dehydrated."

Jacobsen had reportedly reached out to an animal support and rescue group known as WAG, or Welfare for Animals Guild, for some help with some animals she said she could not care for, or was having difficulty with. This began in November of 2021.

After numerous visits to her property, citations, and other discussions, officials finally proceeded with the felony counts. During one of the visits, according to the AG's report, Officers were met with a shocking scene:

 "All of the floors were slick with accumulated feces and urine. Chickens and dogs ran wild throughout the house. Live and dead animals were caged together, including ferrets and chickens. Dead ducks were located on the kitchen and bathroom counters. Jacobsen provided no food or accessible water for any of the animals kept in her house."

The AG's office says Jacobsen is facing a maximum possibility of five years in prison and a $10K fine for each of the 30 felony counts. Officials have not yet released information about pending court appearances.

Gallery Credit: Sophia June

You Still Can't Buy High Capacity Magazines In Wa State

If you're looking to purchase a high-capacity magazine for your gun you're still barred from doing that in Washington State.


The State Supreme Court recently continued to ban on the magazines as the state appeals a lower-court ruling which found the ban unconstitutional. Basically the ban stays in place until a final ruling by the court later this year.

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Earlier this month Cowlitz County Superior Court judge, Gary Bashor found unconstitutional the 2022 law banning the high-capacity magazines that hold more than 10 bullets. He found it unconstitutional under the U.S. And Washington State constitutions. The judge sited the U.S. Supreme Court decision in 2022 that require gun regulations to reflect the nation's traditional firearm regulations. He says the state of Washington hasn't provided a precedent in history that would give reason for the current ban.



State Supreme Court Commissioner Michael Jordon argues against the lower court decision by saying he's concerned what could happen if the law is invalidated during the appeal that could lead to more people being killed by someone using a high-capacity magazine.

George Frey/Getty Images


The debate over the high-capacity magazines continues in Washington State and around the nation.Gator's Custom Guns of Kelso the plaintiff in the lawsuit sold hundreds of high-capacity magazines recently between the time when the lower court made the ruling and the time when courts reinstated the ban during the appeals process.

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Gallery Credit: Sabienna Bowman

This Pet Walk In Scarborough, Maine, Could Literally Save Your Life

I'll be flat out honest and blunt right off the bat with this -- I'm not a big fan of emotions. There's a reason why I'm 90% sarcasm and 10% deep and emotional, because emotions can just be draining for both parties experiencing them.

That said, this is definitely one of those 10% moments, because quite simply put, this could be a situation where your life is saved, and that's not a clickbait sentence or said for dramatic effect -- it's factual.

Photo by Selcuk S on Unsplash

Photo by Selcuk S on Unsplash Pets Are Better Than Humans

It's a statement that's said on the regular. Whether it's on memes, on shirts, and everywhere in between -- pets are better than humans. And it's probably actual fact written and researched somewhere. Because for the most part, while simply the sight of some humans can cause negative emotions in other humans, the sight of a pet can easily melt those negative emotions away.

I remember first seeing a picture of my dog, Remy, when he was still listed as up for adoption on the New Life for Paws Foundation website, debating whether or not to take the plunge into becoming a dog dad, and my friend Katherine sent me a meme that tipped the scales for me.

Townsquare Media

Townsquare Media

It was a comic strip with four panels -- the first panel was a man with all the stresses of the world weighing down on him and negatively impacting him. The second panel was the man getting home to his dog, and the transfer of negative emotions from the man to his dog. The third panel was the dog simply getting rid of the negative emotions, and the final panel was both the man and dog happy as can be.

And it's reasons like that, that this event could save your life, especially if you're struggling.

Google Maps / Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

Google Maps / Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash Paws for Prevention Walk, Scarborough, Maine

The Paws for Prevention Walk is put on by AFSP - the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. On Saturday, May 18, 2024, at Memorial Park in Scarborough, Mainers and even Granite Staters from all over will gather for not only a springtime walk with their furry friend(s), human friends, and family.

They'll also gather to raise money and bring awareness to one of the greatest battles ideally no one would ever have to face, but many of us silently do -- self-harm and ending your own life.

Plus, on top of that, there will be demonstrations featuring the incredible K9 officers with the Scarborough Police Department, veterinary service vendors, pet store vendors, and obviously mental health organization vendors as well.

Photo by Manuel Meza on Unsplash

Photo by Manuel Meza on Unsplash

Plus, raffles. And who doesn't love a good raffle?

Saturday, May 18, 2024. 10a-Noon. Memorial Park in Scarborough. Paws for Prevention Walk. It's worth the ride for you and the people in your life that you may not even realize you need to show up for.

Bring The Dog! These 10 Maine Businesses Welcome Pets

Planning to take your pet along for adventures in Maine? These businesses extend a warm welcome to your furry companion!

Gallery Credit: Lizzy Snyder

LOOK: Longest-living dog breeds

Gallery Credit: Sophia June


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