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How Dog Greets Owner From Groomers Has Internet Howling: 'I Am So Sorry'

Dog owners can always count on their furry friend to make a big deal out of their presence. One rescue dog's way of saying hello has recently gone viral on TikTok.

The hilarious clip shared by owner Stephanie Rue shows the moment she picked her canine up from the groomers on October 26.

The dog's demeanor instantly changes the moment he sees Rue and he can barely contain his excitement. The leashed dog drags the groomer through the salon and opts against using the door. Instead, he wastes no time and leaps over to say hello to Rue.

During the clip, which has 2.5 million views, Rue sounds shocked as she says: "He's so crazy, I am so sorry."

In the background, the pet stylist can be heard saying "I did not expect that," while the camera mostly records the floor with the dog's wagging tail in a few shots.

The popular clip has racked up 383,000 likes and left the internet in stitches. But jumping up to greet people can be a behavioral problem, according to the VCA animal hospitals website.

Often dogs may jump up to greet someone and they are rewarded with attention, therefore they will continue to do so. But someone who is afraid of dogs will likely not take too kindly to the greeting. For this reason, this behavior should be curtailed.

The U.S. Animal hospitals website advises owners to establish how they'd like their dog to greet people followed by teaching them how to control their excitement. Then ask a friend or family member to participate in the training.

Owners are encouraged to offer a treat before the dog even attempts to jump, then to continue giving it treats while all four paws are firmly on the ground.

The end goal won't happen overnight and may take a few practice sessions.

Stock image of a dog's face. It turns out plenty of TikTok users have dogs who behave like the one in the viral video. Brunorbs/iStock/Getty Images Plus

It turns out Rue's dog isn't the only one who acts up in public. Many TikTok users have commented on the video posted to @stephanierueee. To watch the video, click here.

One user's comment said: "Man our dogs are so ghetto. I be like please act normal in public."

"My dog did this too but she was too short to make it over the barrier. Poor thing hit it like a bug on a windshield," another wrote.

Another comment said: "He was READY TO GO."

Newsweek reached out to @stephanierueee for comment via TikTok. We could not verify the details of the case.

Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to life@newsweek.Com with some details about your best friend and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.

Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.

Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.

32 Facts You Need To Know About Adopting A Dog

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog.

Although buying a dog from a breeder is the most popular way of bringing a new pup into your home, more and more people are considering adoption. And with good reason. Adopting a dog means you're giving a good home to a pooch that may otherwise be left without a family. As with any decision, however, it needs to be given some thought.

Here we take a look at 32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog – facts that will make you stop and think, facts that will help you decide if adoption is for you and facts that are just plain fun. As you will see, those who run and work in shelters and rescue centers are doing an amazing job and they deserve our support.

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog It's a very good thing to do

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog

When you are adopting a dog, you're doing so much good. In most cases, you are giving a pooch a second chance of happiness by allowing them to live a rich, fulfilling life – the likes of which they may never have had beforehand. Adoption is generally seen to be better than shopping for a dog because you're potentially saving a life. One thing's for sure, you're going to be avoiding backyard puppy breeders, some of which can be unscrupulous in their approach.

There are more homeless animals than humans

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog

According to statistics from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, around 582,462 Americans are experiencing homelessness. It's a tragic figure and one which needs to be urgently tackled. There are also 70 million stray animals living in the US, a huge proportion of which are dogs. It, too, is a damning figure and a good indication as to why adopting one of these poor canines when they find their way into a shelter really is an important thing to do.

You're actually saving more than one life

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog

Adoption isn't only beneficial for the dog you will be taking into your home. It is also fantastic for other dogs who need to be rescued. When you take on a dog from a shelter or a rescue, you are also freeing up space for another poor pup and that, in turn, means they also have a chance of being rehomed. With space at a premium – so much so that some dogs end up being euthanized for space – adoption into a forever home plainly plays a vital role.

Adopted dogs are in the minority

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog

Statistics in the US suggest that only 23% of dogs are adopted from shelters or humane societies. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, that's equating to two million adopted dogs each year (out 3.1 million who enter US animal shelters annually). By adopting, you're helping to get the numbers up and maybe even showing friends and other family members the benefits of adoption. There are lots of dogs waiting for homes.

You can return a dog – but try not to!

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog

When adopting a dog from a shelter or rescue, there is always the possibility of returning it. Of course, it's not an ideal situation and it should be avoided with careful research and planning beforehand. But, that said, not everything goes as smoothly as you expect. Lives and circumstances can quickly change and problems can arise with a pooch that you may feel unable to cope with. The key, however, is in taking your time and working out whether an adopted dog is a good fit for you before taking the plunge.

It's important to find a reputable shelter

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog

One of the crucial things to consider when adopting a dog is whether the shelter you are visiting is putting the welfare of our canine companions first. So ask to see how the dogs are being housed, ask a whole bunch of questions and be absolutely sure that you are supporting a shelter that is doing good. Adoption can be as much about supporting a reputable shelter in their amazing work as it is homing a vulnerable dog. It's in everyone's interest to ensure shelters are up to scratch.

They can still cost a lot of money

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog

So you've fallen in love with a dog and you dearly want to adopt it. You're also pleasantly surprised to discover that the cost of adopting a dog tends to be cheaper than buying from a breeder. But you still need to do the math. The upfront cost is only half the tail – sorry, tale – and you need to take into consideration all of the other things that a pooch will need from food and toys to essential equipment such as beds and beds and leads. Make sure you can afford a dog.

They can be at different stages of life

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog

There are a few reasons why you'll want to know a dog's lifespan. On the one hand, you'll need to work out how long you're going to need to be committed to your potential adopted pooch and, on the other, you'll want to know how long it's going to be before you have to prepare to say a sad farewell. The importance of this question depends on your motivation for adopting. You may be looking to give a dog a great end to their life or looking for a dog to stick by you for years.

Their history is important

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog

When adopting a dog, it's crucial that you know everything about him or her so that you understand exactly what you're going to have to do in the future. You'll need to know where the dog has come from and how well the dog has been treated especially if you are rehoming a rescue dog. Some of them have sadly been neglected or suffered cruelly and that requires a different strategy to those born in care. Never be afraid to ask. In fact, you'll be expected to ask.

You need to know about their health

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog

When adopting a dog, you need to know if he or she has been vaccinated. It's also important to learn if the dog has been neutered (which means the testicles have been removed in males) or spayed (in which females have their womb and ovaries removed) – they will have if you're buying from a shelter or rescue. Learning more about a dog's health will give you an idea of the cost of adoption and also how much care and attention you will have to give to specific conditions. It shouldn't be a deal-breaker. It's just for information.

Adults can often be sadly overlooked

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog

Adoption tends to involve adult dogs and that's a good thing. So many people overlook adult dogs because in favour of puppies and, by adopting, you're helping to balance things out a little. Older canines still have so much to give and, in some cases, adult dogs can be easier than raising a puppy. They will have likely received some training, be housetrained and less destructive, depending on their upbringing. Worried you won't be able to enjoy teaching them new tricks? You'll be surprised that old dogs can still learn them.

There are loads of mixed-breed dogs

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog

The majority of dogs in shelters are mixed breed so if that appeals then you are certainly going to be in luck. Indeed, with mutts becoming more and more popular among owners, heading to a shelter is going to prove to be a very good move for you. The only thing you will need to be careful of, however, is whether a breed is being misidentified. A study published in the journal PLOS One once showed that shelter staff only get it right 67% of the time.

Adopted mixed-breed dogs can be healthier

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog

It has long been known that mixed-breed dogs can be healthier than purebred dogs. There's a valid, logical reason for this, too: mixed-breed dogs have a wider gene pool than purebred ones and that means a mutt is going to be less inclined to suffer from hereditary genetic disorders. Interesting, mixed-breed dogs live, on average, four years longer than purebred ones so if you're after a dog that will be by your side for a long time to come, adopt a mutt.

You can get purebred dogs at shelters

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog

You may be under the misapprehension that all of the dogs you find up for adoption are mongrels but that isn't the case in reality. About a quarter are purebred, although it must be pointed out that most of them are American Pit Bull Terriers or other Pit Bull types. It's not uncommon to find Labrador Retrievers, Boxers and German Shepherd dogs up for adoption, however. In other words, you should be able to find the dog you want if you seek to adopt.

Pit Bulls need a home too

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog

Yes, Pit Bulls are deemed dangerous by some but they can also be very smily dogs who would do no harm. Adopt a well-trained Pit Bull or be prepared to put in a lot of time and effort to train one yourself and you will find you have a wonderful family pet on your hands. There is no denying that they are strong dogs with powerful jaws, though, so you shouldn't take one on board if you don't believe you can handle it. Talk to the shelter in great detail about an individual dog's temperament.

A dog's personality is often established

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog

One of the benefits of adopting a dog is that the shelter or rescue workers will have a very good idea of the pooch's personality. They will be able to tell you what the dog likes and doesn't like and they will also be able to give you the heads-up if there are any potential problems. The whole point of adoption is that dogs are given loving homes. In that sense, shelters will go to great lengths to work out if you and your dog will be a good match.

The dog may not behave well

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog

Much depends on a dog's upbringing and whether or not the pooch has been socialized. A poorly socialized dog may not react well at first to having children or strangers around. That's not to say they'll bite but they can become more anxious in unfamiliar environments. It's important to know if a dog has been properly socialized so that you can work out what your next steps will be. In some instances, you may want to seek professional assistance for your adopted dog.

A dog may behave very well

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog

Just because a dog is in a shelter doesn't mean they have been neglected or poorly treated. A dog may have ended up in that situation simply because the previous owner had a life change that meant they couldn't have a dog. Indeed, there are many different reasons why a dog is being put up for adoption from landlords who won't entertain pets to a sudden human death. So it pays not to go into an adoption with preconceptions and to keep your eyes and mind firmly open.

You may need to housetrain your pooch

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog

Just because a dog is an adult doesn't mean that they are housetrained – or at least housetrained to the degree that you'd like. But that's not really a problem if you simply assume that you will have to start from scratch in the same way that you would if you shopped for pup. By engaging in basic training, you'll soon see what your dog is capable of and help them to move forwards. You will also begin to understand your dog better if you take this approach.

It may take more time to bond

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog

Patience is required when you adopt a dog – even more so than when you simply buy one. You may need to give your adopted dog confidence since they are going into new surroundings. You also need to take into account any problems they may have encountered in the past. Quiet time together will enable you to better bond with your pet. One thing's for sure, you should never shout at an adopted dog just as you should never yell at any pooch, come to that.

You can get retired service dogs

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog

There is great satisfaction in rehoming a retired service dog, knowing that you will be giving them a comfortable, loving life as a reward for all of their years of hard work. But, whether you're adopting a retired military, working, police or guide dog, you will still need to know about their background. Some service dogs fail to make the grade, for example, and can have myriad problems while military dogs will have to undergo some retraining.

Adoption promotes neutering and spaying

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog

Shelters will neuter and spay dogs and that's a good thing. It means more pets will have had these procedures and they will be more affectionate pets as a result. Spaying and neutering also leads to longer lives for dogs and it ensures that your dog definitely won't be able to get pregnant – so no unwanted surprises. It keeps the dog population in check too, reducing the number of canines being abandoned and needing to be adopted in the future.

Vet trips are still necessary

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog

Just because a shelter or rescue organisation reckons your dog is in good shape, it's still advisable to take your adopted pooch to a vet for another checkover. If nothing else, you'll be getting your dog on your vet's books and ticking the right boxes – a vet may spot something which can be easily rectified such as a missed jab or an infection. In other words, adopting a dog just has the same responsibilities as buying a dog from a breeder or shop.

The microchip registration needs transferring

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog

When you adopt a dog, double check that the microchip registration will be transferred to yourself and, if not, visit a vet so they can tell you the name of the company the microchip is registered with. You can then take steps to ensure it is in your name so that, should anything happen in the future, your adopted dog ends up being traced back to you and not any previous owner. Updates can be carried out online, by post or by telephone depending on the company.

Most dog adopters would adopt again

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog

Some adopters regret taking on a dog but the vast majority don't. A British survey to mark National Adoption Day found that three-quarters of adopters would adopt again. It's great news and shows that the system is working, by and large, ensuring lots of wonderful dogs are getting fabulous new loving homes with owners who are patient and willing to put in the time to give them a second chance in life. With a bit of luck, positive words will continue to spread.

Adoption doesn't take a very long time

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog

It's true that you won't be able to walk into a shelter, point at a dog you like the look of and take it away with you that very same day. Adoption doesn't work like that. Instead, it's more like dating where the shelter management are trying to match-make potential owners with pets that are going to be best suited to them. There will be meetings to discuss the ins and outs of adopting a dog but once you've been accepted, you'll have your dog at home within a week or so.

You're saving taxpayers' money

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog

Money isn't everything, especially when it comes to a dog's life but it costs around $2 billion each year in the US to round up, house and euthanize homeless animals. Adopting a dog lowers the number of dogs needing to be euthanized and, quite aside from the fact that there's an actual life at stake there, that's a taxpayer money saver. So your adoption of a wonderful, cute little dog could mean more money being freed up for the benefit of communities.

You may have a star on your hands

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog

A number of adopted dogs have not only been taken to the hearts of their owners but also the nation and world at large. The movie Benji from 1974 arguably paved the way with a mixed breed dog starring a real shelter rescuee. Then there is Mr Winkle, rescued as a stray before becoming something of a marketing phenomenon. Adopted dogs have backstories that make them interesting and, of course, they will remain as cute as they were when they were born.

Loads of celebrities adopt dogs

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog

This could start reading like a Who's Who of Hollywood but so many celebs have rescued dogs including Sandra Bullock, John Travolta, Whoopi Goldberg, Liev Schreiber and Jennifer Aniston. Ariana Grande is a devoted fan of adopted dogs: she has nine of them. The singer has always been a big dog lover and she's a firm believer in ensuring dogs have the same happiness growing up as she did when she was a child.

You can adopt dogs from overseas

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog

But if you do, be very careful. Not all dog importers are above board and the stories they may tell about a dog requiring adoption aren't always true. It's always better to adopt a dog from your own country and to speak and see the pooch before you part with any money. That way, you can be more sure that your dog isn't going to be carrying infectious diseases such as rabies. You will also significantly cut down on paperwork and the time spent on tests.

You'll get support from adoption centers

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog

People who work in shelters care for dogs. They want to see them rehoused and loved and they dearly want things to work out for you. So they'll be there for help and advice. They will support you through your new journey with your new fun pal. So don't be afraid to call them up if need be or to simply keep in touch with them so they know how one of their furry friends is getting on. Who knows, you may even end up volunteering some of your time in return.

Adopting helps to close puppy mills

32 facts you need to know about adopting a dog

The more people adopt, the fewer the need for puppy mills. And that is a very good thing! Puppy mills – or puppy farms – are controversial for many reasons. They exist to provide potential pets and make money, with an emphasis on quantity. Be wary of unlicensed puppy mills and any that appear to have a choice of breeds. And never meet a breeder in a neutral location. Buying a dog in a parking lot isn't likely to be the sign of a legitimate breeder.

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The Best Dog Beds Of 2023

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Dogs need a place to rest and relax just as much as people do, and dog beds provide that definable space where dogs can escape or stay confined while they rest. While some beds may be a platform only, others have cradling memory foam and cooling technology to keep your pup comfortable. Add a washable cover, and you have a bed you and your dog can love. Bed designs range from simple to sophisticated, plush to flat. Your dog's size, age, and preferences (if they have them) all come into play. The best dog beds fit the dog and the room and might look comfy enough that you'll want to test them before handing one over to your pup. 

How we chose the best dog beds

As a dog lover myself, I combined my own experience, as well as that of other PopSci contributors familiar with dog products, into my search. I also conducted market research online, diving deep into customer impressions and scouring the features of numerous bed brands to find the best of the best. When choosing the best beds, I considered size, fabric, and frame choices, as well as durability and comfort features.

  • Size: Dogs come in all shapes and sizes. Some brands make beds that scale to fit the shapes of many different types of dogs, while other brands focus on just the pint-sized or the hippo-competitors. I picked some beds that are meant for all-size dogs but made sure to highlight a few size-specific picks.
  • Fabric and frame: I looked for beds that prioritized either machine-washable outer layers or stain-resistant materials. In my experience, an easily cleanable surface is an all-important feature of a dog bed (as is buying a vacuum for pet hair while you're shopping). I also looked for especially tough frames on framed beds, as anything else could invite chewing and wear.
  • Durability: Chewing-prone dogs need a high-durability bed that won't succumb to teething or canine anxiety in just a few weeks (and it can't hurt to give them some interactive toys to keep them busy).
  • Comfort features: Memory foams, egg-crate textured foam, and bolsters are a few of the comfort features I prioritized in this list. 
  • The best dog beds: Reviews & Recommendations

    Adopting a puppy can be one of the most exciting times in a new dog owner's life. However, watching a dog grow up and mesh with the rest of the fur family is truly a treat—you remember the first time your dog walked over to the cat bed and decided they were friends. Along with dog crates, mattresses and beds are just some of the best dog items you can purchase to make Fido feel truly at home.

    Best overall: PetFusion Ultimate Bed

    Why it made the cut: This memory foam bed gives big dogs support that contours to the dog's shape, no matter how they lay. 


  • Number of sizes: 6
  • Machine-washable cover:  Yes
  • Colors: 3
  • Pros

  • Comes in XXL for bigger dogs
  • Waterproof liner protects the memory foam
  • Removable, washable cover and bolsters
  • Cons

    The PetFusion Ultimate Dog Bed comes in six sizes, but it's the extra-large and extra-extra-large sizes that make it a great pick for large breeds. The memory foam support can handle the added bulk of a big body while contouring to a dog's pressure points. A waterproof, durable fabric covers the padding and unzips down the full length of one side. The zipper makes it easier to remove the foam interior come washing time, which is important, as the exterior is machine washable and the interior isn't. And, if that zipper breaks—or any part that breaks due to manufacturer defect—there's a 36-month warranty that covers it.

    The cover features soft, comfortable fabric. However, that fabric does hang onto fur, which is the one downside of this bed.

    Best for small dogs: FuzzBall Fluffy Luxe Pet Bed

    Why it made the cut: The FuzzBall made the cut for its soft plushness that gives small dogs big comfort. 


  • Number of sizes: 4
  • Machine-washable cover: Yes
  • Colors: 4
  • Pros

  • Machine-washable soft cover
  • Design lets small dogs snuggle in and feel secure
  • Luxe-looking design
  • Cons 

  • Not enough filling for some dogs
  • The FuzzBall Fluffy Luxe Pet Bed features an ultra-soft, machine-washable cover that comes in four colors. The bottom fabric has anti-slip silicone grips to keep the bed stationary for wriggly nappers. It is also waterproof to keep floors clean in the case of an accident. This bed includes bolsters around the edges with little cushioning in the center. That's been surprising for some reviewers. However, the plush cover and bolsters are designed for dogs to snuggle into, using the bed almost like a nest. This model definitely gives off a luxe, cozy feel. However, some dogs (and owners) don't like that there's not as much padding in the center of the bed.

    Best for large dogs: Plufl Human Dog Bed

    Why it made the cut: The Plufl is a super-sized, comfy dog bed you can share with your pup.


  • Number of sizes: 1
  • Machine-washable: Yes
  • Colors: 4
  • Pros

  • Soft
  • Gel-infused cooling foam
  • Increased snuggle time with your dog
  • Machine-washable
  • Cons

  • Hard to fit cushions in the cover
  • Large for smaller homes
  • The Plufl is perfect for horse-sized dogs, multiple smaller doggos, or humans that want to lie around with their pups after a long, hard day. Looking at the Plufl, it feels like something that should have always existed. It just makes sense. I often stare over at my dog, Wanda, jealous that her bed looks a lot more comfortable than my couch.

    The Plufl's cooling gel-infused foam cushion helps keep everyone cool while providing a thick enough surface that prevents you from feeling like you're lying on the floor. The plush pillow around the perimeter keeps your pet's dog toys from rolling out and also provides a comfy pillow to lay your head on, easing neck pain.

    The Plufl looks just like your standard fluffy dog bed, but it's about three times the size—68 inches long by 33 inches wide. You'll need a fair bit of space for this large dog bed, but the built-in handles make it fairly easy to lug around. And you can fold it in half for storage when not in use.

    When putting the bed together, Plufl recommends you leave the two rolls of cushion unraveled and open for at least 24 hours. This will allow the material time to expand. The bed wasn't the easiest to put together alone due to the large cushions. We'd recommend having someone else there to speed up the process. But the cover is removable and machine-washable, so don't worry if your dog or your sweaty self stinks up the joint.

    Choose from four colors: Grey, Charcoal, Biscuit, and a Blush pink.

    Best with memory foam: Casper Dog Bed

    Why it made the cut: Casper has used its mattress know-how to create a super comfortable bed for dogs made with memory foam.


  • Number of sizes: 3
  • Machine-washable cover: Yes
  • Colors: 3
  • Pros

  • Supportive
  • Durable
  • Available in three sizes
  • Cons

  • Some users said the bed had a chemical smell
  • If you want your pup to be as comfortable as you are when you sink into your mattress at night, consider the Casper Dog Bed. The well-known mattress brand combined its engineering know-how with research on the habits of canines to develop these beds. They're designed with supportive memory foam that will conform to a pooch's shape and provide a cushion for their head. The nylon cover is machine washable, and the microfiber material can withstand plenty of scratching,

    Best leather: Le Bed Leather Dog Bed

    Why it made the cut: This luxe bed features an orthopedic mattress that will provide your pooch with plenty of support.


  • Number of sizes: 2
  • Machine-washable cover: No, wipes clean with leather cleaner
  • Colors: 6
  • Pros

  • Sleek design for a dog bed
  • Provides orthopedic support
  • Durable
  • Cons

    Love to indulge your pooch? For dogs with a taste for the good life, consider Le Bed's Leather Dog Bed. This premium model is designed with a supportive orthopedic mattress with cooling memory foam that will cradle your pooch and help regulate body temperature. The supple leather cover is available in six shades: black, chocolate brown, cognac tan, slate gray, python, and bone (pictured). Cleaning the bed is easy as well. Just wipe clean with a damp cloth and use a leather cleaner.

    Best for calming: BarkBox Bed

    Why it made the cut: The BarkBox relieves stress with a cooling gel memory foam that helps to calm anxiety as it enhances relaxation.


  • Number of sizes: 4
  • Machine-washable cover: Yes
  • Colors: 5
  • Pros:

  • Two-layer foam design supports and cushions
  • Water-resistant lining
  • Upholstery fabric cover that's machine washable
  • Cons: 

    The BarkBox Memory Foam Bed is covered in a tough machine-washable upholstery fabric. The two-layer memory foam inner cushion gets extra protection with a water-resistant liner. Even better, every bed has a free toy, meaning your dog has an automatic emotional support toy to sleep with.

    Dual layers of memory foam soothe restless animals. A gel foam top layer contours the body while removing body heat. It's supported by a second layer of memory foam that adjusts to your dog as it lays on the bed. The only downside with this model is that the fabric's rough texture can be loud if your dog is a restless sleeper.

    Best for chewers: Kuranda Bed – Chewproof Design

    Why it made the cut: The Kuranda's high-strength PVC frame and choice of fabrics let you design a custom bed that resists chronic chewing. 


  • Number of sizes: 6
  • Machine-washable cover: No
  • Colors: 4
  • Pros

  • Custom fabric options
  • Tough, but lightweight PVC frame
  • Indoor and outdoor designs available
  • Cons

    Kuranda beds don't leave durability to chance with dogs that get bored or have anxiety. High-grade PVC creates a durable frame that can withstand the chewing of teething dogs. 

    PVC is also lightweight, so you can carry this bed all over the home or yard without breaking a sweat. Owners get to pick from four bed colors and a choice of fabrics, including heavy-duty vinyl, ballistic nylon, outdoor vinyl mesh, or textured nylon. 

    There's no cushion for this bed, which means chewers can't rip out the stuffing. However, it also means older dogs, or those with arthritis, may not get the extra-plush they want. And, if your dog is a very determined digger, they might be able to claw a hole in the fabric.

    Best orthopedic: Furhaven Orthopedic CertiPUR-US Certified Foam Pet Bed

    Why it made the cut: Older dogs and those with joint pain get relief from egg-crate textured orthopedic foam that contours and supports the body with gentle pressure relief.


  • Number of sizes: 5
  • Machine-washable cover: Yes  
  • Colors: 8
  • Pros

  • Egg-crate textured foam cushions while enhancing airflow
  • Soft faux fur, machine-washable cover
  • Bolsters provide a backrest or chin pillow
  • Cons 

  • Bolsters are only held on by the cover
  • Are you trying to help your beloved pup stay comfortable and sharp in its golden years? This bed will do just that. The Furhaven Orthopedic CertiPUR-US Certified Foam Pet Bed features egg-crate foam with gentle cushioning and excellent airflow. Bolsters on two or three sides (depending on the model) provide a pillow or back support. 

    The bolsters on this bed are held on by only the cover only, meaning that they may not offer the greatest support. However, the cover itself is soft and machine washable. This bed may not be memory foam, but it supports achy joints and muscles with targeted texture and provides ample room for older dogs to get comfortable. 

    Best washable: Newton Baby Washable & Orthopedic Pet Bed

    Why it made the cut: Both the core and cover are machine washable, making less-than-happy accidents even easier to clean.


  • Number of sizes: 3
  • Machine-washable cover: Yes 
  • Colors: One
  • Pros

  • Temperature regulating core
  • Easy to wash
  • Scratch-proof
  • Cons 

  • Expensive
  • Limited size range
  • Every pet parent has known the struggle of Barkers mistaking the pet bed for a wee wee pad. Most pet beds either require spot-cleaning, or boast a removable cover. Get peace of mind that your pet's bed is truly clean with the Newton Baby Washable & Orthopedic Pet Bed, which features a machine-washable core and cover. It's orthopedic to support supple little heads and creaky joints, and the core is temperature-regulating to keep your canine cool all year long. The bed itself is made using Wovenaire technology, which was invented in Japan. The bed is created by extruding high-quality, food-grade polymer into a clear pool of water, which creates a resilient rectangle that's 90% air by volume. The resulting product provides the comfort of foam and latex without the environmental drawbacks. If it's good enough for fragile, soft little babies, it's more than perfect for your fragile, soft little (fur) baby.

    Best budget: MidWest Homes for Pets Bolster Pet Bed

    Why it made the cut: Quality isn't sacrificed for price with this versatile, wallet-friendly pet bed.


  • Number of sizes: 8
  • Machine-washable cover: Yes  
  • Colors: 5
  • Pros

  • Fits in most crates
  • Lots of colors and sizes
  • Easy to wash
  • Cons 

    Throw this bed in a carrier or a cage for transport, or leave it out for daily napping. Or do both, thanks to its price that makes it easy to purchase more than one to put in multiple places. The synthetic fleece keeps your dog comfortable in warm or cold climates and doesn't wear down over time. Additionally, its stitching and construction allow it to resist wear and tear. However, the bed might not be best for older dogs, as it's not thick. The bed also comes with a one-year warranty in case this bed slipped through MidWest's product testing. Judging by the brand's longevity—it's been around for 90 years—you may not need to use it.

    What to consider when buying the best dog beds

    You can't just get any dog bed for your pooch. They only deserve the softest, most comfortable pet bed on the planet since they are perfect angels who can do no wrong. However, there are some things to keep in mind when purchasing your dog a new bed to ensure their happiness—and your sanity so they don't take bed-related anger out on your couch cushions.


    We all love our four-legged friends, but they can really make a mess sometimes. A dog bed with a washable, waterproof cover will make your life infinitely easier. Check the cover's washing instructions, as some may have to be line-dried, especially if they have a non-skid bottom.


    If you're spending a lot of money on a pet bed, you'll want it to have longevity. Otherwise, you're throwing money right into the hungry, voracious pit that is your dog's mouth. Additionally, eating stuffing and fabric is not good for a dog's stomach and could warrant a trip to the emergency vet—which means you'll throw even more money right into the hungry, voracious pit that is your dog's mouth. Either invest in a bed that includes structural features like triple-stitched seams, dense stuffing, and a puncture-resistant cover, or accept that nothing will satiate your pup like ripping apart a brand-new bed. In that case, make sure it's made out of non-toxic materials and cheap so it's easy to repurchase.


    Size matters. An extra-large dog needs an extra-large dog bed. But an extra-extra-large dog? Well, there's a bed for him too. Beds designed for big dogs often feature more padding to account for the extra weight. Smaller dogs often feel more secure in a bed as pint-sized as they are. The wrong-sized bed could lead to a big dog that's cramped or a small dog that feels exposed or insecure. 


    You wouldn't want to sleep in an uncomfortable bed—why should your dog? More importantly, if your dog has joint problems or is older, a comfortable bed is a must-have feature. The best dog bed will support and cushion your dog's body to prevent or manage any pain they may have. Your dog's bed is their domain and helps them feel calm and stress-free. A comfortable bed can help prevent them from tearing up the house out of stress.

    Do beds really have extra features? Yes, they do. Much like there are fancy dog houses, there are dog bunk beds, luxury dog beds, and heated dog beds. The climate you live in, your dog's breed, and your personal aesthetic might require a bed with extra features. Extra features may include reinforced corners, covered heavy-duty zippers, bolsters, or more.

    FAQs Q: Do dogs need a bed?

    Most dogs need a bed. However, not all of them are picky. A simple cushion or raised bed may be all some dogs want or need. However, as your dog ages, he'll probably need some cushioning and support to prevent aches and pains. A bed can also provide a space that's just for the dog. Sometimes dogs try to encroach on the sofa or your bed. If a dog bed is available, it is easier to train the dog by giving them something that's theirs. 

    Q: Do dogs prefer hard or soft beds?

    It depends on the dog. Some dogs simply need a platform that keeps them off the ground. Others have more delicate sensitivities and prefer a soft and cushy bed. As dogs age, soft beds can cause arthritis pain.

    Q: Are Sealy dog beds good? 

    Sealy makes excellent dog beds. If we were adding the best outdoor bed to our list, a Sealy dog bed would probably be the one. Their beds feature cooling foams and come in indoor or outdoor versions for the different lifestyles of our favorite four-footed explorers.

    Q: What dog beds are indestructible?

    Dogs always find a way to destroy something, but the Kuranda Bed boasts an anti-chew design. However, there are some things you can do to prevent a dog from destroying its bed, including trimming its nails and purchasing beds that feature tightly woven fabric so your dog's nails can't catch and cause a tear.

    Q: How often should you change your dog's bed?

    If your dog bed is machine-washable, aim to wash it at least once a week to keep it fresh—and keep your dog clean as well. If your dog's bed is looking like it's been through some things, change it. A tattered bed can ruin the vibe of your living room and also pose a health risk. Taking good care of your bed, and purchasing beds made of high-quality materials will make a pet bed last longer for more daytime snoozes.

    Final thoughts on the best dog beds

    For an all-around high-quality, comfortable bed, the PetFusion Ultimate Bed gets the top prize. Its supportive cushion lets the dog sink into the bed. If your dog likes to chew and dig, the Kuranda Bed – Chewproof Design—with its PVC frame and tough fabrics—will probably last longer. Regardless of the best pet bed you choose for your furever friend, dogs deserve a warm, cozy spot to rest their head as much as we do. A comfortable pet bed can make all the difference in your dog's quality of life when they come in from a snuffari, and help extend your furniture's lifespan, too.

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    Popular Science started writing about technology more than 150 years ago. There was no such thing as "gadget writing" when we published our first issue in 1872, but if there was, our mission to demystify the world of innovation for everyday readers means we would have been all over it. Here in the present, PopSci is fully committed to helping readers navigate the increasingly intimidating array of devices on the market right now.

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