Isotretinoin Is A Prescribed Anti-Acne Drug That Impacts Birth-Control Pills | - Femina

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If you are struggling with acne and have been in and out of a dermatologist's clinic for treatment, chances are that you might already know about Isotretinoin. It's one of the most commonly prescribed drugs that's used to clear acne-causing bacteria on the skin. Isotretinoin is nothing but an analogue of vitamin A and we popularly know it as a retinoid.


It's been almost four decades that this medicine has been in use, approved by US FDA in 1982, isotretinoin is prescribed for the treatment of severe – with deep nodules and cysts – and mild acne. "Since the approval, there is no other oral medication that is comparable to the results with isotretinoin in acne. It gives satisfactory clearance of acne along with long-term control of severe condition," says Dr Madhuri Agarwal, Founder and Medical Director, Yavana Aesthetics Clinic.


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Isotretinoin is one of the most common drugs that's prescribed to treat acne, however it does come with some side-effects. When I started with the medicine, I had massive mood swings and I couldn't figure out the reason. "There is  a long list of side effects associated with isotretinoin. The common ones encountered while taking the medicine are dry chapped lips, dry eyes, skin dryness, and rashes and sunburn," says Dr Agarwal. She also explains that changes in mood, aggression, severe skin rashes, stomach disturbance, persistent headache, inability to move arms or legs, and anal fissures are some uncommon side-effects, but these can occur.


Isotretinoin And Birth Control Pills

One of the most important doubts related to the use of this drug, however, is its interference with birth control pills. In fact, there's a misconception that this acne-treating drug is a form of birth control – and that is a myth. "It is definitely not a birth control pill. It works on the skin layers to unclog pores, normalise skin keratin function, and generate collagen at a cellular level," explains Dr Agarwal. However, she goes on to say that the drug does interfere with the internal system if you are on a birth control pill. Isotretinoin can reduce the effect of birth control pills, especially the progestrin content in it. "The medicine is known to cause birth defects in foetus hence it can't be prescribed to individuals planning a pregnancy. It is recommended to stop the use of this medicine at least four to six weeks before planning a pregnancy," says Dr Agarwal.


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Dos And Don'ts

Isotretinoin is a prescribed drug and in no situation it should be taken without doctor's supervision. Before suggesting the medicine, the dermatologist analyses the underlying health conditions, if any, to decide whether or not to prescribe isotretinoin. "Do inform your dermatologist about autoimmune disorders like diabetes, liver disease, high lipid levels, and depression," says Dr Agarwal. Also, it demands a proper skincare routine to be followed as the extreme dryness can lead to flaky skin. "Apply a regular moisturiser and sunscreen religiously. It's better to avoid prolonged sun exposure while on this medicine," she advises. She also suggests informing the doctor immediately if the patient notices any sudden changes or side effects. 


As far as the skincare treatments are concerned, it's advised to avoid waxing and bleaching during the course of isotretinoin. "With that, avoid any home chemical peels or excessive chemical exfoliation and other forms of actives like AHA, BHA, vitamin C application on face without consulting your dermatologist," she adds.

Also Read: Understanding UV Index And Its Relation To Your Skin


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