Four easy ways to manage your medication. | Tri-County Sunday | - The Courier-Express
"Hmm, did I take my pills this morning?" Everyone who takes medication on a daily basis has asked themselves this question, and it is critical to have the right answer. "The more medication you take, the easier it is to make mistakes," said Robert Bojalad, Director of Outpatient Informatics at Penn Highlands DuBois. "Organizing and managing your medication is extremely important. This helps make sure you don't miss a dose or accidentally overdose." Here are four easy ways to help you manage your medication or someone else's medication. Use a pill organizer. A pill organizer can help you answer the question, "Did I take my medications today?" by grouping your pills together day-by-day. You can easily see if you have already taken the set of pills for the day, or if you still need to take them. A pill organizer also helps ensure you take all of the medication you need on that particular day. There are many different ty